Friday, August 28, 2009

Ohio Expedition

As promised, I am posting information about the research that my partner Bob was conducting at Salt Fork State Park while I was out cavorting on the west coast.

The significance of the clucking noise mentioned is that myself and Don Keating have both heard and recorded this clucking noise and it seemed to have been a signal indicating the presence or absence of humans in the area. I'm just speculating, but that is the conclusion that I have come to. Any thoughts or ideas?

Bob's report:

Friday night August 21st at Salt Fork State Park, we all sat in our chairs on a horseshoe shaped ridge that funnels down to a bowl shaped depression. The depression is full of a lot of downed trees and scrub brush. The outer edges of the top of the ridge are surrounded by forest. Almost everyone had night vision equipment and I was the only one with a parabolic mic.

The sky was clear and the stars were really out. It was a moonless night. I saw one real nice shooting star and others in the group saw quite a few.

Jason and Dave hiked down a ways into the depression in front of our position. We had heard some Bared Owl calls and Jason then did some whoops. The first Owl call I heard didn't sound right to me. Instead of a tapered off sound at the end of the call it stopped abruptly. For a while there while they were down in the depression Jason and Dave were doing some whoop calls and we were hearing different answers back. At times it also sounded like two different animals were calling to each other at different positions. At one point Jason got a whoop response back to one of his whoops.

After a while of enjoying sitting there and hearing the different calls coming from different directions Jason and Dave came back up to our sitting position. I had been scanning around with my night vision but didn't see anything interesting. At almost the same time Jason and Rick said they caught some movement through their NV off to our right flank from in the tree line. They continued to scan the area but caught no more movement. I was listening to the area of the movement with my parabolic mic. I heard a clicking noise come from the area. Jason was closest to the noise/movement area and I asked him if he had heard it. He said no. Immediately after that I heard the same clicking sound. I asked the others if any of them had heard it but no one did.

The clicking sound I heard sounded like a noise you make with your tongue bent back on the roof of your mouth then popping it forward while opening your mouth. Each time I heard it there where about 5 or 6 clicks in a row. The sound was very distinct through the parabolic mic. I can't say how far away the sound came from but the max distance the mic is supposed to be good for is 300 feet. No one else picked up this noise without a parabolic mic.

After a while of no action on the ridge we drove over to an area where Don Keating and Scott A where researching. They were basically hanging out at a picnic area using listening devices. Don started talking about a clicking noise that he had recorded in the past year from nearby. He still had the original sound file in the recorder and he played it back for us. I was astonished because it was the same exact clicking sound that I had just heard back up on the ridge. On Don's recording you can hear something that sounds like a bipedal gate walk up to the mic and start messing with it then you hear a series of about 5 or 6 clicking noises. I have also heard this same clicking sound from a recording Sharon has picked up.

For me this was very interesting. I wonder if anyone else out there in Squatchland has heard anything like this?

Jason and Rachel, Bigfoot, Sylvia, Rick, Dave and Bob

The "Ridge"

Bob also adds:
One thing that is important I want to add about my clicking sound report is that Don Keating had a biologist that specializes in primate behaviour listen to the sounds and he said that it sounds like the clicking sounds that are made by some primates for communication. There is a segment on this in Don's recent documentary "Sasquatch At Salt Fork".

1 comment:

  1. One thing that is important I want to add about my clicking sound report is that Don Keating had a biologist that specializes in primate behaviour listen to the sounds and he said that it sounds like the clicking sounds that are made by some primates for communication. There is a segment on this in Don's recent documentary "Sasquatch At Salt Fork".

