Friday, April 13, 2012


This brief survey was created to get a snapshot of how people interested in Bigfoot feel about the way research is handled in the cryptozoology field. Opinions on what it means, if it's going in the right direction, and similar questions. It is open to anyone, at any level of interest. The responses will help me with a portion of what I will be presenting at the Ohio Bigfoot Conference later this month.

The survey is anonymous and only takes a few minutes to complete. Just follow this link to share your opinions: SURVEY


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    It wouldn't send me to the survey but you pretty much know how I feel. Keep up the great work Sharon.

    Tara Hauki

  2. It will take some big bucks to put something meaningful together. You can't approach this by a few people going into the woods for 3 days not knowing sign and thinking every branch crack, stone topple or coyote call is big foot. You can't tell me that some good hounds taken to a hot spot wouldn't turn up something. Niffing out what's really out there doesn't seem to fit the menu.
