Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bluff Creek Film Site Project-Information Needed

BFROVIDEOS. Steven Streufert, Ian and Robert Leiterman are taking another look at the P-G Film site 43 years later. With conflicting thoughts as to exactly where the film site is today, they have decided to re-evaluate the facts, interview those in the know and spend some extensive leg work on the ground. They are trying to piece together what nature has spent the last 43 years turning back into a riparian forest. Part of an on going series.

Message from Steven Streufert:  Sharon, if any of your connections out there have photos or recollections of the PGF site in the late 70s, 80s or earlier 90s that would be very helpful! We need to establish a time range scale of changes.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sharon!
    Anyone with the aforementioned information please contact me/us at:
    We've already talked to all the "main guys" who were back there in the day and knew the site before it changed into an overgrown jungle down there. What we need is more recent photos, mainly those preceding the 2000s. Any information and opinion would be appreciated, however.

    Steve, Bigfoot Books
